Oxidized bitumen 95/25 uses

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  7. Oxidized bitumen 95/25 uses

In various countries, asphalt cements are graded on a different basis. Pursuant to the ASTM Standard Specification for Penetration – Graded Asphalt Cement for Use in Pavement Construction, designation D-946-82e1, asphalts are graded as having penetrations in the following ranges: 40 – 50, 60 – 70, 85 – 100, 120 – 150, and 200 – 300. Pursuant to the ASTM Standard Specification for Viscosity – Graded Oxidized bitumen 95/25 for use in Pavement Construction (designation D-3381-83e1), asphalts are graded as AC-2.5 (viscosity = 250 ± 50 P@ 60°C), AC-5 (500 ± 100), AC-10 (1000 ± 200), AC-20 (2000 ± 400) and AC-40 (4000 ± 800). In most parts of Canada, asphalts are graded according to their penetration (pen). In most parts of the United States, asphalts are graded according to their viscosity.

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