
Oxidised Asphalt

Oxidised Asphalt is a solid or semi-black solid material and gradually liquid when heated, oxidised asphalt is predominant content bitumen, asphalten , malten (oils) and aromatic resins. Asphalt, more used in   ,dark brown to black cement-like semisolid, solid, or viscous liquid, produced by the non-destructive distillation of crude oil during petroleum refining. asphalt is producing in different softening point and penetration like as 115/15 90/40 85/25 bitumen 85/25 90/15 95/25 75/25


Oxidized Bitumen

Oxidized bitumen is a specially formulated plastic for construction. Oxidized bitumen characterized by being a product of great thermal amplitude. Oxidized Bitumen 115/15 is widely used as an anti-slip layer compound in the piling industry Oxidized bitumen has flexibility to cold, has no sag at high temperatures and has good adhesion. It can be applied in any kind of work. Oxidized bitumen is available in different grade as 110/30 90/40 85/25 85/25 90/15 95/25 75/25 150/5 105/30


Blown Bitumen

Blown Bitumen is industrial bitumen which is dark, petroleum residue modified by the oxidation process. Blown Bitumen is produced by passing air through bitumen under controlled temperature conditions. Its consistency ranges from highly viscous to solid. Blown bitumen grade has technical advantages such as durability, flexibility, water resistant and chemical stability. There is different grade of blown bitumen as 115/15 bitumen 90/40 85/25 85/25 90/15 95/25 75/25 150/5 105/30

packing of bitumen 110/30

Egypt manufacturer

Oxidized bitumen CAS No. 64742-93-4 or oxidized bitumen also known as air blown or air refined asphalt has been treated by blowing air through it at elevated temperatures to produce physical properties required for industrial use of the final product.The blown bitumen have been modified by the passage of air , under specific pressure and temperature depend on which grade we need to produce .Oxidized bitumen is of a rubbery consistency and has a higher softening point and greater resistance to flow than a straight run bitumen of the same hardness.Oxidized asphalt are typically used in roofing operation,pipe coating, undersealing for portland cement concrete pavements,hydraulic application and manufacture of paints.

Oxidized bitumen Grades

Oxidized bitumen 150/5 115/15 105/35 95/25 90/40 90/15 90/10 85/25 75/25

Basekim is oxidized bitumen manufacturer and supplier of various grades of oxiasfalto in different packing of starting from softening point of 70 up to 150 centigrade and penetration from 5 to 50 0.0mm including blown asphalt 70/20 75/25 85/25 90/10 90/15 90/35 90/40 95/15 95/25 95/35 105/15 105/35 115/15 115/35 150/5 for the isolation, insulation, roofing, building and civil engineering sectors. Basekim is a dynamic and multi-faceted limited company in market of Turkey, Korea, Italy, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Argentina, Singapore, India, China, Korea, South Africa, Chili, Peru, Spain, Monaco, UAE and Hong Kong actively involved in manufacturing procurement distribution and export of various grades of oxidized bitumen. We are structured into focused on oxidization of Bitumen division to serve the different needs of our customers worldwide.

bitumen 115/15 in jumbo bag
oxidised asphalt

Oxidized asphalt 115/15 95/25 90/40

Oxidized asphalt Grades

Blown bitumen is manufactured from bitumen 60/70 by blowning asphalt and Basekim has a long history of supplying blown asphalt to bitumen factories, asphalt companies, roof insulation companies and membrane sheet manufactures. We are providing Blown Asphalt in various grades including BITUMEN 150/5 115/15 105/35 95/25 90/40 90/10 90/15 85/25 85/40 85/25 75/25 hard bitumen or hot liquid in bulk. Oxidized bitumen is our specialist and production of any other customized grades of blown bitumen is possible according to order.

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About Us

We are is highly qualified in production and export of oxidized bitumen grades 75/25 75/35 85/25 85/30 90/10 90/15 90/40 100/10 105/10 115/15 110/30 135/15 135/25 150/5 all packed in 25Kg bag or carton on pallet.Our products are in compliance with the quality standards of ISO 9001 and environmental standards of ISO 14001. They are manufactured in a way that promotes environmental conservation activities while maintaining high quality.We have strong network of distribution in the world including Philipine, Malaysia, UAE, France, Germany, Egypt, Singapore, China, Ukraine